How to run micro-benchmarking with BenchmarkDotNet - Bonus post from The Ray Tracer Challenge series

How to run micro-benchmarking with BenchmarkDotNet - Bonus post from The Ray Tracer Challenge series

In the context of my Ray Tracer Challenge, I wanted to run some performance analysis on my basic operations and data structures. For this installed and used BenchmarkDotNet, an OSS benchmarking tool used by Microsoft for performance testing the .NET Core runtime and class library. In this post, I'm going to share what I learned about this powerful tool.…

The Ray Tracer Challenge... in .NET Core

The Ray Tracer Challenge... in .NET Core

I just bought the book "The Ray Tracer Challenge - A Test-Driven Guide to Your First 3D Renderer" and in the upcoming months, I'll be developing my own ray tracer, in .NET Core. I will also document my learning experience on the blog, for me, to keep track of my progress, and maybe discuss some implementation decisions with you, my readers, but also to share what I learn in the process.…