A friend just made me notice that yesterday it was exactly one year from my first real post on Codeclimber. With all the excitement for tomorrow event and for the new Mac I missed this important day.

I'm not going to do a detailed analysis of what happened during this year of blogging as the one I did in July, but I only want to share with you a few numbers.

The number of subscribers to the RSS feed is steadily growing at the rate of 100 new subscribers every 2 months (actually a bit more than 2 months), and now I'm floating around 500 feed subscribers, which is something that is well above my last year expectations.


Then comes the number page views which are around 400-450 views per day (during the week, in the weekends the number falls down to 150-200).


I usually don't have a plan behind the topics of my posts as I usually write things that I came across while coding both for job and for fun, but given the fact that I'm mainly a web oriented developer, you might start to see more posts about Silverlight and ASP.NET Ajax. And also my experiences developing .NET on the Mac smile_regular. And, hopefully, about what's going on with Subtext.

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