Apart from the obvious twitter and facebook, the Web.NET Conference is using a few specific social networks. We are also on:

  • Geekli.st – A social network for “geeks”
  • OleaPark – A conference specific networking app
  • Lanyrd – A conference social directory

I’m going to explain a bit more what they are, and for we have decided to use them.


Probably I should have added geekli.st in the first line of this post, next to twitter and facebook after the adjective “obvious”. If you are a developer you should at least know what it is, or already have a profile over there (if you don’t, you can join geekli.st). Basically it’s social network were developers can share their accomplishments, talk about what they are building and doing but always staying on “geek talk”. But it’s also becoming the new way of seeking and offering jobs.

Geekli.st is also one of the main sponsors of the conference (they also offered T-Shirt for everyone) and it might be that Christian Sanz, the CTO and co-founder of Geekli.st comes and give a presentation at the conference.

You can find the Web.NET Conference on Geekli.st at: https://geekli.st/WebNETConf


This Berlin-based French startup has built a new way for people attending conferences to connect one another: you go to the event page, you download the app (iPhone, Android and soon mobile site) and can see who is attending the conference, their profiles and if you see someone that can be a interesting person, you can contact him via the app. And on the day of the event people can checkin at the conference, and you can see how is there and start talking to them. To understand better, there is a video that explains everything on their site.

You can join the conference on OleaPark at: http://oleapark.com/events/4ff30c8f7c93dd14e5000002


And finally the Web.NET Conference is also on Lanyrd. That is yet another way to see who is attending the conference, but also to see the history of each speaker and get a feeling of the type of audience that will be at the conference. And if you are someone that easily forget dates and times, you can add the conference’s schedule to your calendar.

Lanyrd also provides a nice mobile-optimized version of the agenda.

If you use Lanyrd, you can join the event at: http://lanyrd.com/2012/webnet12/

Twitter and Facebook

Even if “obvious” the conference is on twitter and facebook, so don’t forget to follow @webnetconf to get real-time info and updates on the conference, like the conference’s page on Facebook and join the FB event.