UgiAlt.NET together with DotNetMarche organizes the First European NHibernate Day: it will be held in Bologna (Italy) next 9th October.

The event is open to everyone (not only from Italy) as most of the sessions will be delivered in English. We just setup the site for the NHDay, but at the moment it’s only in Italian: an English version will be published in a few weeks.

The topics

It will be a full day free two tracks conference on everything about NHibernate:

  • the main track will be on medium/advanced topics on NHibernate itself, and will be presented by prominent members of the NHibernate community. This track will all be in English.
  • the second track will not strictly be on NHibernate, but on various persistence related topics. This one will be presented by members of the community and the sessions will be collected via a open call for speakers.

The Registration

The registration will open on Tuesday June 15th, at 15:15 Italian time (that is 3:15pm CET). Details on the registration process will appear on the NHDay.eu site around the beginning of June. The number of places available will be limited, so make sure to register on time to avoid missing this great opportunity.

The Call for Speakers

We need speakers for the second track: are you passionate about FluentNHibernate, or would you like to share your experience about how to use NHibernate with ASP.NET MVC or even with Silverlight? Or again, would you like to organize a short coding dojo on NHibernate or fill the gap and give an introduction to NHibernate? Send us an email at cfp@ugialt.net by June 14th with the title of the session and a short abstract.

Let the fun begin

Be Social

The official tag of the event, on twitter or other social media is #nhday.

Really free?

Yes, really free. But since there are costs involved, donation and sponsorship will be welcome. More information on how to donate will appear on the web site together with the registration, and if you are a company that would like to become a sponsor of the NHDay, please contact me or send an email to info@ugialt.net.

And for those who are wondering, the web site is developed with umbraco, so blame Niels if something goes wrong with it.