As you might have read yesterday, this weekend I moved my blog from WebHost4Life to LinkedLabs, the hosting company managed by Ken Robertson, a Senior Software Developer at Tellingent. And if you are reading this post it means the DNS transition is complete.

I decided to move away from WH4L not because I had performance problems or poor customer support (which IMHO is great), but because I needed to manage and host more websites (small ones), and this was not possible on WH4L without paying a yearly additional fee of 20$ per web application. I used to run these small sites on DotNetNuke, with which you can have just one web application with many different domains, but running, patching, updating an application like DNN for running a few kind-of static websites was overkill for me. With the solution provided by LinkedLabs I can run as many web applications as I need, without paying additional fees: the yearly fee is higher, but with the number of sites I've to run the overall cost will be lower. Another reason is that now I've a more granular control on IIS, I'll have IIS7 and SQL Server 2008, while with WH4L I was still on IIS6 and SQL Server 2000. And the last reason is that the VPS solutions offered by LinkedLabs seem better than the ones offered by WH4L, and as the traffic on my blog grows, I'll eventually have to upgrade to this more powerful solution.

Now I hope the performances and the support of LinkedLabs will be the same of WH4L.

I'm on a shared hosting, but LinkedLabs is now selling only VPS (I bought the service more than one year ago when he was still selling this solution). You can read about LinkedLabs offering from Ken's website: Awesome virtual server hosting