As you might have noticed if you followed my twitter stream, I spent the last two weeks in Hokkaido, doing some trekking and enjoying the onsen. But still 5 new posts appeared on my blog. This happened thanks to a feature of Subtext that allows posting in the future.

Before leaving to Japan I was undecided about scheduling posts while I was on vacation for two weeks, but then I decided to try this experiment.

But now I’m back and I wanted to ask you what you think of what I did: did you like the fact that I new posts were appearing? Or do you think my vacation would have been unnoticed? Or maybe you think I should have just stopped writing posts since I was not available to respond to comments. Please let me know your thoughts by answering the following poll, and by writing a comment. Thank you.

And now the link to the poll: The posts on the last 2 weeks were scheduled: what do you think of the experiment? Should I schedule posts next time I'm away for long time?