Igor Damiani, a very active community member, yesterday made a very brave choice, well, 2 choices:

  1. he left the safe place which was the UGIdotNET community, and moved to his own domain
  2. he decided to install the engine on his own server, and since he never worked with web apps, but only with winforms and T-SQL that is a very brave thing

And he did the right choice because he installed Subtext with (almost) no help: which means that the installation procedure is dumb proof

Unfortunately he lost all of his previous contents because his previous blog was hosted on a 3rd party server, with a very old version of .Text that didn't allow user to export contents.

So, Igor, welcome to the World of self-hosted blogger, and welcome to the World of Subtext users: I'm pretty sure your end-user comments will help us build an even better blogging engine.

PS: Unfortunately, he blogs in Italian, sorry about that