A month ago FeedBurner unleashed a new very cool feature: Blog Statistics.

They integrated into their RSS feed stats also the tracking engine they got when they acquired Blogbeat.

For a complete overview have a look at their announcement: A 360 Degree View of Audience Engagement.

Now that performancing metrics is an opensource project (and not a service anymore) and measuremap doesn't have new features added since it has been acquired by Google one year ago, the only solution for specific blog stats is this service. I tried it, and it rocks!!!

How to add the tracking code to a Subtext skin?

You just need to add the FeedFlare to it. Once you add it, you also have stats being collected.

A month ago Keith Elder wrote an interesting post with a step-by-step guide on adding FeedFlare to Subtext.

For the FeedFlare you just need the JavaScript code inside the homepage, butĀ for the stats tracking you have to change also the single post page.

Here is complete step-by-step guide:

Subscribe to FeedBurner

Well... just go to FeedBurner website, insert you blog URL, and start "burning" your site.

Configure Subtext to send RSS with FeedBurner

Follow the procedure as described on the subtext documentation wiki

Change the homepage template

You have to change the control yourskin/controls/Day.ascx adding, at the bottom of the entry body, the following code:

            DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "FullyQualifiedUrl") %>"
        type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">

You have to replace the feedburnerId with your actual id

Change the single post template

Open the yourskin/Controls/ViewPost.ascx control and add, always at the bottom of the entry body, that code

            "http://bloghostname"+TitleUrl.NavigateUrl %>"
        type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">

This is a bit of an hack, but the only solution that works (or at least that I could find). You have to replace both feedburnerId and bloghostname with the real ones.