A few months ago, following the advice of my dear friend Janky, I switched from RSSBandit to FeedDemon. I couldn't stand anymore that an rss reader was using more memory than Visual Studio Team Suite while debugging a Pocket Pc application running on an emulator smile_omg.

It costs a few bucks, but allows me sync the read feeds between my laptop and my pc at work, so I don't have to read the same posts twice: this is possible since FeedDemon uses Newsgator to retrieve the feeds.

Last week I saw on Nic's laptop a nice effect on his FeedDemon (yes, he is using FD, too...): he had all MediaRSS feeds (the one with photo enclosures, mainly all the ones from Flickr) with a nice thumbnail row on the top of the newspaper view.

I couldn't get it working, even using the same style he was using.

Digging inside the newsgator support I found this thread: Preview Pane for Pictures.

It basically says that this MediaRSS thing is supported in FeedDemon, but not in Newsgator, so, in order to make it work, you don't have to sync the feed with the server, but only have it on the local machine.

And, with Flickr, you have to subscribe to the rss_200_enc format, and not to the atom one (which is the default one).

Here is what I achieved, subscribing to my wife Flickr (now mainly pics from her trip in Patagonia) feed in the rss_200_enc format (the one with enclosures)